Education Spillover and Its Pathways: Evidence from Bangladesh
Globally, about 254 million school-aged children are not enrolled in school, weakening their future productivity and slowing the economic development of their societies. In this paper, I consider whether investments in educating girls today may be an effective policy approach to support future development by testing if such investments have positive intergenerational spillovers. First, I identify a causal effect by relying on the exogenous variation provided by a conditional cash transfer program that temporarily made secondary education free for girls in rural Bangladesh. I find that a one-year increase in a girl’s education significantly increases her child’s education by 8 percent. Ignoring this spillover leads to underestimating the return on investing in girls’ education. In addition, I test the causal role of various pathways by which a mother’s education may increase her child’s education. Marital matching is the strongest pathway; others are higher bargaining power and lower son preference.
Keywords: education, Bangladesh, birth spacing, bargaining, marital matching
JEL: I25, I21, J12, J13, J16, O12
Works in Progress
Domestic Violence Laws and Women’s Justification for Violence (Working paper coming soon)
What Determines the Success of Crowdfunding Projects? Evidence from US Crowdfunding Platforms (with Janice A. Hauge) (Working paper coming soon)
Published Work:
Journal Papers:
“How Do Female Labor Force Participation Rates Change During Episodes of Globalization and Marginalization?: Global Evidence from 1990 to 2019” (with Bernhard G. Gunter and Bong Sun Seo), The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies, 17 (1): 1-12, August 2021. Link
“Concessional Financing for Development in Bangladesh” (with Bernhard G. Gunter and M. Faizul Islam), Journal of Bangladesh Studies, 20 (1), October 2018. Link
Policy Report:
“FMLA Eligibility of Underserved Communities” (with Kelly Jones), US Department of Labor Summer Data Equity Challenge on Equity and Underserved Communities, February 2022. Link